
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Drinking Water: Way to Lose Weight #1

(c) 2009, eVo Photo (via Creative Commons)

Introduction to the Challenge: Water for Weight Loss

As you read in my last entry, I am determined to make this the year of getting back to a healthier me. I discovered this poster on Pinterest, and it has inspired me to develop a personal plan for the next 5 months, or so.
The Skinny Rules, by Bob Harper
 ($26, Barnes &Noble)

For a larger version, click here.

My first stop, "Rule #1: Drink a large glass of water before every meal -- no excuses!"

What the Experts Say About Water and Weight Loss

(c) 2010, Jenn Durfey (via Creative Commons)
Brenda Davy, PhD, an associate professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech completed a diet study in 2010, comparing the weight loss of subjects who drank 2, 8-oz glasses of water before each meal with those who did not. All subjects ate a low-calorie diet throughout the study. At the end of 12 weeks, the water drinkers lost an average of 15.5 pounds, compared to the others, who lost an average of 11 pounds. Better still, they kept the weight off, and even lost an average of 1-2 additional pounds in the year following the end of the study. Not bad, for just drinking water!

Our bodies are nearly 3/4 water, so water is more than just an essential part of the diet:
  1. All nutrients and oxygen are carried throughout the body, dissolved in water.
  2. Water moisturized the linings of the nose, mouth, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, protecting delicate membranes from the invasion of pathogens.
  3. The water in your saliva, along with chewing, is the first step in digesting all your food.
  4. All processes in our vital organs depend on water.
  5. Water is the biggest component, by volume, in the bloodstream, and is important for regulating blood pressure in the body.
  6. Our body temperature is regulated by the ability of water to absorb and hold large amounts of heat.
  7. Water flushes toxins and waste products from our systems.
  8. Our joints are lubricated and protected by water.

There are many other health benefits from drinking water, besides weight loss:
  • A headache can often be relieved by simply drinking more water.
  • Drinking water makes your skin look healthier.
  • Well-hydrated brains think better.
  • Better temperature control helps you get the maximum result from exercise.
  • Increasing your water intake fights constipation and acid indigestion.
  • Muscle cramps and joint aches can be minimized if you drink enough water before exercise.
  • Even a simple water flush or gargle can rinse harmful germs out of your mouth, throat and nose.
  • A cold glass of water refreshes and provides temporary relief from fatigue.
  • Feeling good in your body makes you feel good in your mind.
  • Toxins and harmful chemicals and drugs in the body can be flushed out with adequate water intake.

Where I Currently Stand re: Water in My Diet:

Alas, despite being a learned individual and appreciating the work of other learned individuals, I do not like to drink water. I detest carrying around a water bottle like an infant. I don't like the taste of water. I would go so far as to say that an entire day can go buy, and I realize that I've had nothing to drink but 2 cups of coffee and a glass of after-dinner wine. Not good.

(c) 2007, Laszlo Ilyes (via Creative Commons)
So, while Rule #1 might look like a quick fix to many, it is a big hurdle for me.

In May, I purposed to lose about 20 pounds. To date, through becoming more conscious of calories in my diet, I have lost 15.5 of those pounds. But I want to do more than lose weight -- I want to be healthier. So I press on.

We have installed Brita filters on our faucets,  which effectively takes all the taste out of the water -- you don't realize water has a taste until you filter it. It's strange.

I have started drinking a can of Polar Seltzer while I cook dinner, and when I come home from work. That's not exactly what the Rule states, but I'm trying!

My Strategies: How to Get More Water in My Day

Strategy #1. Flavored Seltzer (1)

I once had a doctor (since retired) who also was a non-water-drinker (is that a word?). He "treated" himself by buying flavored seltzer in little, returnable glass bottles at a local bottling company, Hosmer Mountain Soda. The seltzer comes in several flavors (regular, lemon-lime, tangerine and raspberry), and you bring the bottles back, just like in the olden days (you know, the 60's, when I grew up). They also have fun soda flavors, for the soda drinkers in the house (like "Lime Ricky," "Sasparilla," and "Cocoa Cream." If you live in the Willimantic, Connecticut area, they will deliver right to your door.

Hosmer Mountain Soda - Celebrating 100 Years!

Strategy #2. Flavored Seltzer (2)

Failing a visit to Hosmer's in Willimantic, there's always the local grocery store, where you can also get flavored seltzer. I've been buying Polar Seltzer, and I like it very well. My husband says it's cheating, but I respond that I'm at least drinking more water.

According to the Polar website, there are a bunch of different seltzer flavors -- where can I find them all? I'll mark the ones that I've tried... All are great.

  • Black Cherry - yes
  • Blueberry
  • Cherry Pomegranate
  • Cranberry Lime - yes
  • Georgia Peach
  • Lemon - yes
  • Lime
  • Mandarin - yes
  • NEW! Orange Vanilla - yes -- and this is VERY good
  • Pomegranate - yes
  • Raspberry Lime - yes
  • Ruby Red Grapefruit
  • Original
  • Strawberry
  • Triple Berry
  • Vanilla

Strategy #3. Add Tasty Things to My Water

My doctor suggested even adding a few lemon or orange slices to my water, to give it a taste. I like that idea, especially if I drink my water from a fancy glass then. (Humor me...).

I saw a great pin on Pinterest, "Naturally Flavored Water," from A Yummy Life. She provides recipes (and delicious photographs!) for the following flavored waters:

  • All-Citrus Flavored Water
  • Raspberry Lime Flavored Water
  • Pineapple Mint Flavored Water
  • Blackberry Sage Flavored Water
  • Watermelon Rosemary Flavored Water
These all look so good, I can't wait to make them.  This would be an easy one for me, as I don't typically drink juice at breakfast -- this could be my juice substitute.

My Goal: "8 in 8"

That's a lot of water... (and bathroom trips)...

  • 3 glasses, one before each meal... (that's 3)
  • One when I first get up... (that's 4)
  • One with my morning vitamins... (that's 5)
  • One when I get home from work... (that's 6)
  • One with daily medicines after dinner... (that's 7)
  • One before bed... (that's 8).

Right now, I'm probably only at 2, so let me try for 3 before each meal by the end of this week. I'll keep you posted. 

My "To-Do" List:

  1. Stop at Hosmer's for soda & seltzer.
  2. Make sure I have enough Polar seltzer.
  3. Whip up some flavored water.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm Back... With a Mission!

It's been a long time! But I'm back, and determined to be better than ever!

I am a list-maker, box-checker, ultra-linear person. So any major undertaking that I, well, undertake, I need a set of specific steps in order to keep myself in line.

I found a great photo on Pinterest the other day, and it screamed "LIST! LIST! LIST!" to me. I want to share it with you (for a larger version, click here):

The Skinny Rules, by Bob Harper
 ($26, Barnes &Noble)

I have made a decision (and I'm forcing it on my family (hubby, in particular) because it's my job to keep us all healthy, and we're both now officially over 50): we are going to get fit and trim over the next 6 months. And I have a plan. Here's the reveal....

The Skinny Rules, $26 at B&N

20 Weeks to a Fitter Me!

For the next twenty weeks, I will be blogging about the twenty "Skinny Rules" above, using expert advice and my own family's efforts to incorporate these rules into our lifestyle. Some of us have a longer way to go to accomplish these than others. But my hope is that, by sharing our journey with you all, we can encourage one another, one tiny, healthy step at a time.

So, for the next twenty weeks, beginning this Sunday (August 12, 2012), tune in for an installment of "20 Weeks to a Fitter Me!"

Click on the image to the left for information on ordering your own copy of The Skinny Rules from Barnes & Noble.

The schedule:

August 12:      Goal #1  -- Drink more water
August 19:      Goal #2  -- Cut down on high-calorie beverages
August 26:      Goal #3  -- Eat protein at every meal
September 2:   Goal #4  -- Switch to good carbs
September 9:   Goal #5  -- Increase fiber intake
September 16: Goal #6  -- Eat apples and berries daily
September 23: Goal #7  -- Cut out carbs after lunch
September 30: Goal #8  -- Read food labels
October 7:       Goal #9  -- Eat proper portion sizes
October 14:     Goal #10 -- Cut out all sweeteners
October 21:     Goal #11 -- Ditch white potatoes
October 28:     Goal #12 -- Eat one meatless meal per week
November 4:   Goal #13 -- No more fast and fried foods!
November 11: Goal #14 --  Eat a healthy breakfast
November 18: Goal #15 -- Cook and eat at least 10 meals at home 
November 25: Goal #16 -- Cut out high-salt foods
December 2:    Goal #17 -- Eat more vegetables
December 9:    Goal #18 -- No evening snacks!
December 16:  Goal #19 -- Get proper sleep
December 23:  Goal #20 -- Plan one splurge meal per week

Note: (8/25/2012) -- Due to unforeseen circumstances, we got started on this plan a couple of weeks late. Otherwise, all systems are go!

That LAST one just in time for Christmas dinner !

Follow my Pinterest board, "20 Weeks to a Fitter Me!" where I'll post all blog entries and resources we use on this project!

Next week:    

Water is Your Friend...